It`s Mutual Agreement

As a professional, I understand the importance of using proper language and grammar to communicate effectively. One phrase that is often misused is „it`s mutual agreement.“ In this article, I will explain why the correct phrase is „mutual agreement“ and provide helpful tips on how to avoid common language mistakes.

Firstly, let`s clarify the difference between „it`s“ and „its.“ The former is a contraction of „it is“ or „it has,“ while the latter is a possessive pronoun. For example, „it`s a beautiful day“ means „it is a beautiful day,“ while „the dog chased its tail“ means the tail belongs to the dog.

Now, let`s move on to „mutual agreement.“ The phrase refers to an understanding or arrangement that is agreed upon by two or more parties. It implies that both parties have reached a consensus and are in agreement about the terms and conditions of a particular matter.

Using „it`s mutual agreement“ is incorrect because the pronoun „it“ does not have any antecedent in this context. The phrase lacks a clear subject, which makes it confusing and undefined. It`s important to use proper subject-verb agreement to communicate effectively, so dropping the „it`s“ is essential in this situation.

To avoid common language mistakes, it`s important to pay close attention to grammar and syntax rules. Additionally, using active voice can help avoid ambiguity and add clarity to your writing. For instance, instead of saying „it`s mutual agreement,“ you can say „both parties agreed to the terms“ or „the agreement was mutual.“

Furthermore, using proper terminology is essential when discussing legal or business matters. Using the phrase „mutual agreement“ accurately and appropriately shows professionalism and attention to detail.

In conclusion, „it`s mutual agreement“ is an incorrect phrase that can cause confusion. As a professional, I recommend using the phrase „mutual agreement“ instead. By following proper grammar rules and being precise in your language, you can communicate effectively and avoid common language mistakes.